Application for Membership

For Prefix, please type Ms, Miss, Mrs, Mr, Br, Rev, Dr, etc. For Suffix, please put any Post Nominal you may have.
What is your Occupation?
Date of Birth
How did you hear about The Marist Association? (Please select one option)
Support for your Application
If you work in or are connected with a Marist Ministry or College, please provide the name and email address of one supporter who endorses your application and can be contacted for confirmation:
(eg: Marist Brother, College Principal, Ministry Leader, Association Local Coordinator or an Association Member). 
If you do not work in, or are not connected with a Marist Ministry or College, please provide the names, positions and contact numbers of two people who support your application to belong to this Spiritual Family:
(eg: Priest, Marist Brother or other Religious, Lay Marist, or Lay person who is involved in the Catholic Church through their work/Parish/volunteering)
Spiritual and Faith Formation
Marist Formation Programs/Experiences
Please record the year and Title of any Marist Programs/Experiences:
Other Formation
Please record the year and Title of any other Programs/Experiences:
Additional information
Please record any additional information related to Marist work in schools, Game Changers (Remar) programs, retreats, etc:
Please record the year and description of any relevant study you have done, or are doing:
Acceptance of Policies
I have read and agree to comply with the:
Child Protection Policy and Child Protection Standards; and state that there is no impediment (an impediment would be a proven allegation of child abuse) to me receiving legal approval to work with children (however so named in different states and territories)
Privacy Policy
Social Media Policy.
Commitment and Signature
The Marist Association is a family of faith-filled people across Australia committed to living the Gospel, with Mary as their inspiration, in the style of St Marcellin Champagnat. The core mission of the Marist Association is to make Jesus Christ known and loved, with an emphasis on working to bring hope to young people and those on the margins. It is responsible for ensuring the vitality and sustainability of all Marist Ministries.
I feel called to follow Jesus, with Gospel values at my core. I wish to nurture my spiritual life. I believe I am called to do this in the way of Mary – whose response was always a resounding ‘Yes”.
As a member of the Marist Association, inspired by Saint Marcellin Champagnat, I commit to living out this call, and:
  • engaging in the joys and challenges of my daily life as a Marist
  • living out our mission as Marists within the context of my life and work
  • nurturing my personal prayer life and faith journey
  • fostering community and Marial spirit where I live or work
  • engaging whenever possible in the dialogue and discernment that shapes and envisions our mission and life
  • becoming informed about the various ministries which are part of the life of the Association
  • sharing my gifts to the extent that I can to help lead and animate the life of the Association
  • encouraging others to consider joining the Association
  • participating in the election of the leadership council for the Association.
With humility, simplicity and modesty, and a sense of daring and hope, I ask to be received as a Member of the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat.
By typing your name here it will be accepted as your legal signature.